How Much Will Refinancing Your Mortgage Really Cost?


Refinancing a mortgage is a decision that can have a significant impact on your financial journey. It’s a process where you replace your existing mortgage with a new one, often with different terms and interest rates.

This move can potentially save you money, adjust your payment schedule, or allow you to tap into your home’s equity. However, it’s not a decision to be taken lightly. Refinancing comes with its own set of closing costs and considerations that need careful evaluation.

father playing with daughter

In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of mortgage refinancing. We’ll explore the reasons why refinancing might be a good idea, the different types of refinancing options available, and, importantly, the closing costs associated with the process.

Whether you’re looking to lower your monthly payment, change your mortgage type, or access some cash, it’s essential to understand the nuts and bolts of refinancing. We aim to provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to make an informed decision about whether refinancing your mortgage aligns with your financial goals.

Why refinance a mortgage?

Homeowners might consider refinancing their mortgage for various compelling reasons. Each situation is unique, but there are a few common motivators that lead many to explore the refinancing path. Understanding these reasons can help you assess whether refinancing aligns with your financial objectives.

  • Lower interest rates: Perhaps the most straightforward reason to refinance is to take advantage of lower interest rates. When interest rates drop, refinancing can lead to significant savings, both in terms of monthly payments and the total interest paid over the life of the loan.
  • Switch from ARM to fixed-rate mortgage: If you currently have an Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM), you might face uncertainty regarding future payment amounts. Refinancing to a Fixed-Rate Mortgage locks in a consistent interest rate, bringing stability and predictability to your payments.
  • Cashing out equity: For homeowners who have built up substantial equity in their homes, a cash-out refinance can be a way to access that capital. This option allows you to borrow more than what you owe on your current mortgage and use the difference for other financial needs, such as home improvements, debt consolidation, or education expenses.
  • Altering loan terms: Some homeowners might refinance to change the terms of their loan. Whether it’s extending the loan duration to lower monthly payments or shortening it to pay off the mortgage faster, refinancing can adjust the loan to better fit current financial situations and goals.
  • Debt consolidation: Refinancing can also be a strategic move to consolidate debt. By rolling high-interest debts into a mortgage with a lower rate, you can simplify your finances and potentially reduce overall monthly expenses.
  • Eliminating private mortgage insurance (PMI): If your home value has increased, refinancing might allow you to drop PMI, which is typically required when your down payment is less than 20% of the home’s value. This can lead to substantial savings over time.

Each of these reasons reflects a different financial need or goal. Refinancing a mortgage can be a powerful tool, but it’s essential to weigh the benefits against the costs and long-term implications. The right choice depends on your personal circumstances and financial objectives.

Types of Refinancing Options

Refinancing your mortgage isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. There are several types of refinancing options available, each with its own set of features, benefits, and drawbacks. Understanding these can help you determine which option best suits your financial needs and goals.

Cash-Out Refinance

A cash-out refinance allows you to replace your existing mortgage with a new loan for more than you owe on your home. The difference is paid to you in cash, which can be used for various purposes like home renovations, debt consolidation, or other financial needs.


  • Access to cash for large expenses.
  • Potential to secure a lower interest rate than your current mortgage.
  • Consolidates debt into a single payment, often at a lower rate.


  • Increases the amount you owe, potentially extending the time to pay off your mortgage.
  • Can lead to higher interest costs over the life of the loan.
  • Requires sufficient home equity to qualify.

Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)

A HELOC is a revolving line of credit that lets you borrow against the equity in your home. It works similarly to a credit card, where you can draw funds as needed and pay them back over time.


  • Flexible access to funds; borrow as much or as little as needed.
  • Only pay interest on the amount you draw.
  • Can be a lower-cost option for accessing home equity.


  • Variable interest rates can increase over time.
  • Temptation to overspend due to easy access to funds.
  • Could put your home at risk if you cannot repay the borrowed amount.

ARM to Fixed-Rate Mortgage Refinance

This type of refinancing involves switching from an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) to a fixed-rate mortgage. It offers a stable interest rate and a predictable monthly mortgage payment for the life of the loan.


  • Stability and predictability in monthly payments.
  • Protection against rising interest rates in the future.
  • Easier budgeting and financial planning.


  • May come with a higher interest rate than the initial rate of an ARM.
  • Closing costs and refinance fees.
  • Fixed-rate might be higher than current ARM rates if interest rates are rising.

Each refinancing option serves different financial scenarios and objectives. So, analyze your financial situation, consider the long-term implications, and perhaps talk to a financial advisor to choose the most appropriate path for your needs.

Understanding Mortgage Refinance Closing Costs

When considering refinancing your mortgage, be aware of the various fees and costs involved. Each of these costs plays a role in the overall financial equation of refinancing, and they can vary significantly based on your lender, loan terms, and even geographic location.

As a general rule of thumb, expect to pay around 2% – 6% of your loan balance in closing costs. This percentage can give you a ballpark figure to start with when estimating the expenses involved in your refinancing process.

Application Fee

This is a charge by the lender for processing your new mortgage application. It generally ranges from $75 to $300 and covers the cost of credit checks and administrative expenses.

Loan Origination Fee

Often the most significant cost, the origination fee, is charged by the lender for evaluating and preparing your mortgage loan. It’s typically calculated as a percentage of the loan amount (ranging from 0% to 1.5%). This fee can vary greatly among lenders, so it’s wise to compare offers.


Points, also known as discount points, are optional fees paid at closing to reduce your interest rate. Each point is typically equal to 1% of the loan amount. While this can save you money over the life of the loan, it increases your upfront costs.

Appraisal Fee

This fee, ranging from $300 to $700, pays for a professional appraisal of your home to assess its current value. Lenders require this to ensure the loan amount is not more than the home’s worth.

Inspection Fee

Ranging between $175 to $350, this fee covers the cost of a professional inspection of the property to identify any structural or mechanical issues.

Attorney Review/Closing Fee

This fee, usually between $500 to $1,000, is for the services of an attorney or a title company during the closing process to ensure all legal documents are correct and in order.

Homeowner’s Insurance

If you’re not already insured, or if additional coverage is needed, this cost can range from $300 to $1,000. It ensures the property is insured before the lender approves the refinancing.

FHA, VA, or Private Mortgage Insurance Fees

For certain loan types, like FHA or VA loans, there are specific fees or insurance premiums. For example, FHA loans include a 1.5% upfront fee and a yearly premium. VA loans have a funding fee that varies based on the loan type and down payment.

Title Search and Title Insurance

Costing between $700 to $900, this covers the title search and insurance, ensuring there are no liens or problems with the ownership of the property.

Survey Fee

If required, this fee ranges from $150 to $400 and pays for a survey to confirm the property’s boundaries and structure.

Prepayment Penalty

Not all loans have this, but some might charge a prepayment penalty for paying off your current mortgage early. This could range from one to six months of interest payments.

Each of these fees contributes to the total cost of refinancing your mortgage. To get a clear picture of how much refinancing will cost you, it’s important to obtain detailed estimates from potential lenders and consider how these costs weigh against the potential savings or benefits of refinancing.

State and Lender Variability in Closing Costs

The closing costs associated with refinancing a mortgage can vary significantly depending on your location (state) and the lender you choose. This variability is influenced by local regulations, market conditions, and individual lender practices.

  • By state: Different states have varying regulations and fees, which can affect the overall closing costs. For instance, states with higher real estate values or specific local taxes and fees might have higher refinancing costs.
  • By lender: Lenders have different pricing models. Some may offer lower interest rates but charge higher closing costs, while others might have higher rates but lower upfront fees or offer to waive certain charges.

Real-Life Examples and Case Studies

To better understand the impact of refinancing, let’s explore a few real-life scenarios. These examples will highlight how different refinancing options can play out financially.

Scenario 1: Lowering Interest Rates

John and Sarah’s Story:

  • Original mortgage: $200,000 at 5% interest, 30-year term.
  • Refinanced mortgage: $200,000 at 3.5% interest, 30-year term.
  • Outcome: By refinancing to a lower interest rate, they reduced their monthly payment and will save $55,000 in interest over the life of the loan.

Scenario 2: Switching from ARM to Fixed-Rate

The Smiths’ Experience:

  • Original mortgage: $250,000 5/1 ARM starting at 3%.
  • Refinanced mortgage: $250,000 30-year fixed at 4%.
  • Outcome: Although they faced a higher interest rate initially, the Smiths secured predictable monthly payments, protecting them from potential rate increases in the future.

Scenario 3: Cashing Out Equity for Home Improvements

Alex’s Decision:

  • Original mortgage: $150,000 remaining on a home valued at $300,000.
  • Refinanced mortgage: $200,000 with cash-out of $50,000.
  • Use of funds: Alex used the $50,000 to renovate the kitchen and bathrooms, increasing the home’s value.

These examples illustrate how refinancing can serve different needs, from reducing payments to accessing equity. The right choice depends on personal financial situations and long-term goals.

The Impact of Credit Score on a Mortgage Refinance

Your credit score plays a major role in refinancing. It affects not only your ability to qualify for refinancing, but also the interest rates you’ll be offered.

How Credit Scores Affect Refinancing:

  • Higher scores, lower rates: The higher your credit score, the lower the interest rates lenders are likely to offer. A strong credit score signals lower risk to lenders.
  • Qualification thresholds: Some refinancing options have minimum credit score requirements. Falling below these can limit your options or result in higher interest rates.

Tips for Improving Credit Scores Before Refinancing:

  1. Check your credit report: Obtain a free report from each of the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion) to check for errors or inaccuracies.
  2. Pay down debts: Lowering your overall debt can improve your credit utilization ratio, a key factor in credit scores.
  3. Make timely payments: Ensure all your bills and existing loan payments are up-to-date. Late payments can significantly harm your credit score.
  4. Limit new credit applications: Each new application can cause a small, temporary dip in your credit score.
  5. Address delinquencies: If you have any delinquencies or collections, try to resolve them. These have a major negative impact on your score.

By understanding and improving your credit score, you can position yourself for better refinancing options and terms. Remember, refinancing is a tool that, when used wisely, can align with and enhance your financial strategy.

The Refinancing Process

Refinancing a mortgage involves several steps. Here’s a general outline of the process:

  1. Assess your financial situation: Start by reviewing your current mortgage, home equity, credit score, and overall financial goals to determine if refinancing is a beneficial move for you.
  1. Gather necessary documents: Prepare important documents such as recent pay stubs, tax returns, bank statements, and details of your current mortgage.
  2. Shop around for lenders: Research various lenders to compare interest rates, fees, and terms. Don’t limit your search to just your current lender; consider banks, credit unions, and online lenders.
  3. Get a credit check: Lenders will review your credit history and score. Remember, your credit score can significantly impact the interest rate offered.
  4. Apply for refinancing: Once you’ve chosen a lender, complete their application process. This will typically involve submitting your financial documents and possibly paying an application fee.
  5. Lock in your interest rate: When you receive a favorable interest rate, consider locking it in to protect against market fluctuations during the processing of your refinance.
  6. Home appraisal: Most lenders will require a home appraisal to determine the current value of your property.
  7. Underwriting: The lender will review your application, financial documents, and home appraisal to make a final decision on your loan approval.
  8. Closing: If approved, you’ll proceed to closing, where you’ll sign the new mortgage agreement. This will involve paying closing costs and any other fees.
  9. Settle old mortgage: Your new lender will use the funds from the refinance to pay off your existing mortgage.
  10. Begin new mortgage payments: Once the refinance is complete, you’ll start making payments on your new mortgage according to the agreed terms.

Remember, the refinancing process can vary in length and complexity based on individual circumstances and the lender’s requirements. It’s important to ask questions and understand each step to make informed decisions throughout the process.


The decision to refinance your mortgage is significant and multifaceted. It’s essential to weigh the potential benefits, such as lower interest rates or altered loan terms, against the costs and implications that come with refinancing. Each homeowner’s situation is unique, and what may be advantageous for one may not be the best choice for another.

Understanding the impact of your credit score on refinancing options, the variability in closing costs by state and lender, and the specific steps involved in the refinancing process are key to making the right decision. Remember, refinancing is more than just securing a lower interest rate; it’s about aligning the decision with your overall financial goals and long-term plans.

Before taking the leap, consider all these factors carefully. Consulting with financial advisors or mortgage specialists can provide additional clarity and guidance tailored to your personal circumstances. Refinancing can be a powerful financial move when done for the right reasons and under the right conditions, but you must take the time to fully understand and prepare.

Bob Haegele
Meet the author

Bob Haegele is a freelance writer and personal finance blogger at The Frugal Fellow. After knocking out his student loans and the rest of his debt, he decided to ditch the 9-5 and work on his own time. Now, he's helping readers do the same.