Mortgage Insurance: How It Works & Who Needs It

If you’re thinking about buying a home soon, you’ve probably started hearing about mortgage insurance. It might not be exactly what you think it is. Before you take the plunge into homeownership, we’re going to break down everything you need to know about mortgage insurance.

happy family

It’s an important piece of the puzzle, especially if you can’t make a big down payment right now. Let’s make sure you’ve got all the info you need to move forward with your dream home.

What is mortgage insurance?

Mortgage insurance is essentially a backup plan for your mortgage lender. When you buy a home and can’t afford a large down payment, mortgage insurance steps in. It’s a way for mortgage lenders to feel secure in lending you money. If, for some reason, you can’t make your mortgage payments, the insurance ensures the lender doesn’t lose out completely.

It might seem like you’re just paying an extra fee without clear benefits. However, mortgage insurance opens up the possibility of owning a home without needing a huge amount of cash upfront. For many, this is the key to buying a home sooner rather than later.

While mortgage insurance does add to your costs, it also plays an important role in making home loans accessible for those who don’t have a big down payment saved up. It’s a small price to pay for the chance to own your dream home.

How Mortgage Insurance Works

Mortgage insurance can involve different types of payments. You might pay an upfront fee when you close on your home, make monthly payments along with your mortgage, or sometimes both.

Several factors influence how much you’ll pay for mortgage insurance:

  • Your credit score: Better credit can mean lower payments.
  • Loan amount: The size of your loan impacts your insurance cost.
  • Down payment: A larger down payment can reduce your insurance payments.

In essence, mortgage insurance payments are tailored to your situation. While they add to your monthly expenses, they’re essential for securing a loan with a smaller down payment.

When You May Need Mortgage Insurance

Mortgage insurance becomes a part of your home buying process when you can’t afford to put down a hefty 20% of the purchase price. It’s easy to view this as just another expense, but it’s more helpful to see it as a bridge to homeownership. Without mortgage insurance, many would-be homeowners would have to wait years to save up enough for a traditional down payment.

Yes, mortgage insurance means an extra cost in your monthly budget. However, it’s also what allows lenders to offer loans to a broader range of buyers. If you’re eager to own a home and start building equity, paying for mortgage insurance is a practical step on that path.

For many, the dream of homeownership wouldn’t be possible without mortgage insurance. While it does add to your monthly expenses, it also opens the door to buying a home with a smaller down payment. This makes it an invaluable tool for many aspiring homeowners.

Common Types of Mortgage Insurance

There are many kinds of home loans. Each type of loan has a slightly different type of mortgage insurance associated with it for some high-risk borrowers. We will cover the most common kinds below.

Conventional Loans

Conventional loans are typically offered through private companies. Depending on your down payment amount and your credit score, the private lender may require private mortgage insurance (PMI) as a condition of the conventional loan.

The amount of private mortgage insurance will also vary based on the down payment, loan amount, and your credit history. Higher credit scores and down payments will generally lead to lower required mortgage insurance premiums.

With private mortgage insurance, the premiums are usually paid out monthly with no initial upfront fee. You may also have the ability to cancel your private mortgage insurance in certain situations.

Department of Veterans’ Affairs (VA) Loans

If you are a service member or a veteran, you have likely heard of the VA loan. The idea is to help these honorable men and women purchase homes.

The VA will back your loan, so there are no monthly mortgage insurance fees required. However, you may need to pay an upfront funding fee that will act as mortgage insurance. The initial funding fee will vary based on your military history, down payment, credit score, and several other factors.

Although the upfront funding fee is not termed as mortgage insurance, the idea is the same.

US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Loans

USDA loans offer great mortgage rates meant to help low to moderate-income home buyers in rural areas. The hope is that these loans will help to infuse life back into rural areas.

The loans offer zero down payments to home buyers, but you are required to pay mortgage insurance. A USDA loan requires that you pay an upfront premium as well as monthly premiums.

Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Loans

FHA loans are insured by the Federal Housing Administration but are completed through private lending companies.

FHA loans offer another low down payment option for people with lower credit scores. However, there is an enforced maximum loan limit that varies by county.

Every loan insured by the FHA requires mortgage insurance. You pay the annual mortgage insurance premium (MIP) monthly for the life of the FHA loan. The upfront and monthly mortgage insurance premium amounts vary by loan, but you can expect to pay it with FHA loans.

See also: FHA Loan Requirements for 2024

Can I avoid paying for mortgage insurance?

The most straightforward way to bypass mortgage insurance is by making a down payment of 20% or more. This sizeable initial investment demonstrates to lenders that you’re less of a financial risk, eliminating the need for extra insurance.

Building Equity

Once you own your home, another path opens up: increasing your equity. As you pay down your mortgage and if your home’s value rises, your equity could reach a point where mortgage insurance is no longer required. Typically, reaching 20% equity in your home allows you to request the cancellation of your PMI.

Exploring Refinancing

Refinancing your mortgage is another strategy to consider. If your home’s value has increased, or you’ve significantly paid down your loan, refinancing might result in a lower loan-to-value ratio, potentially removing the need for mortgage insurance. Plus, some refinancing options specifically aim to reduce or eliminate these costs.

Alternative Loan Types

Finally, it’s worth looking into loan types that don’t require PMI. For example, VA loans (for veterans and service members) and some first-time homebuyer programs offer mortgage options without conventional mortgage insurance requirements. Each of these has its criteria and benefits, so research to see if you qualify.

Bottom Line

Mortgage insurance, for many buyers, becomes a critical component of the home purchasing equation, especially when a 20% down payment isn’t feasible. While it introduces an additional cost, its role is pivotal in broadening access to homeownership.

Take charge by thoroughly researching your mortgage options and the implications of mortgage insurance on your finances. It’s beneficial to consult with mortgage professionals who can offer insights tailored to your specific situation, helping you to make choices that align with your objectives.

Acting proactively can make a significant difference. Strategies such as accumulating a larger down payment, exploring various loan opportunities, or considering refinancing in the future could mitigate or even remove the necessity for mortgage insurance. Every decision you make can contribute to a reduction in overall mortgage expenses and lead to a more manageable financial commitment.

Achieving homeownership is a remarkable milestone. Although mortgage insurance might appear as an obstacle, it also serves as an enabler for many to realize their dream of owning a home sooner. By comprehensively understanding its function and actively exploring your options, you can approach homeownership with confidence and a strategy that enhances your financial health.

Sarah Sharkey
Meet the author

Sarah Sharkey is a personal finance writer who enjoys helping people make better financial decisions. Sarah enjoys traveling, hiking and reading when she is not writing.