What Is Escrow, and How Does It Work?

Purchasing a home is a journey filled with complexities and legalities. The process that can seem bewildering, particularly for first-time homebuyers. Among the many terms you’ll encounter in your home buying process, “escrow” is one that plays a pivotal role but is frequently misunderstood.

people doing business

To understand the home buying process fully, and to ensure you’re well-equipped for this significant financial decision, it’s vital to grasp the concept of escrow. This guide aims to help you understand escrow, explaining its role in real estate transactions, the purpose of escrow accounts, and the pros and cons of this system.

Key Takeaways

  • Escrow is a financial arrangement where a neutral third party holds funds until the buyer and seller fulfill their obligations, providing security and neutrality during real estate transactions.
  • The escrow process includes steps like signing the agreement, depositing earnest money, obtaining mortgage approval, coordinating closing costs, and transferring the property title.
  • Escrow accounts offer benefits like financial protection and managing taxes but add complexity and extra costs. Be aware of potential escrow fraud by verifying companies and consulting professionals.

What Is Escrow?

At its core, escrow serves as a neutral third party in various types of transactions, most commonly in real estate. It’s a financial arrangement where a third party, the escrow agent, holds and regulates payment of the funds required for two parties involved in a given transaction.

This process ensures the transaction is carried out smoothly and everyone fulfills their obligations before the transfer of ownership occurs. Whether it’s earnest money from buyers, the deed from sellers, or the paperwork in between, escrow plays a critical role in safeguarding assets during the transaction period. It’s like a financial safety net, protecting both the buyer and seller from potential complications.

How Does the Escrow Process Work?

The escrow process can feel like a whirlwind of paperwork, signatures, and deadlines. But when broken down into a series of steps, it’s a structured system designed to safeguard all parties involved in a real estate transaction. Let’s take a closer look at each phase of the escrow process:

Step 1: Agreement Signing

The escrow process starts when both the buyer and seller come to a mutual understanding and sign a purchase agreement. This agreement outlines the terms of the transaction, including the purchase price, any contingencies, and the closing date.

Step 2: Earnest Money Deposit

The buyer then makes an earnest money deposit, demonstrating their commitment to the transaction. This earnest money is placed into an escrow account, providing security until the final closing day of the home purchase.

Step 3: Mortgage Approval Process

Meanwhile, the buyer works with their mortgage lender to secure a mortgage loan for the remaining purchase price. This process includes credit checks, income verification, and property appraisal.

Step 4: Escrow Agent Coordination

The escrow agent coordinates various administrative tasks. They ensure all necessary documents are signed, and that the mortgage lender releases funds to cover the purchase price, less the buyer’s deposit.

Step 5: Managing Closing Costs

The escrow agent also manages the payment of closing costs. These costs can include real estate agent commissions, title insurance, property tax liens, and the fees for the escrow services.

Step 6: Conclusion of Escrow

Once all paperwork is finalized, funds have been disbursed, and all conditions met, the escrow process concludes. The title of the property is then transferred to the buyer.

What Is an Escrow Account?

Escrow accounts are secure, temporary homes for funds during a transaction. Let’s look at how they work in the context of real estate.

Escrow Accounts During Home Purchase

During the purchase of a home, the buyer’s earnest money deposit is held in an escrow account until the sale closes. This account secures the down payment, releasing it only when all contractual obligations are met.

Mortgage Escrow Accounts

Many mortgage lenders set up a mortgage escrow account as part of the home loan process. This account accumulates a portion of the monthly mortgage payments, paying your yearly property taxes and homeowners insurance premiums when they’re due.

  • Monthly contributions: Each month, as part of your monthly mortgage payment, you contribute to your escrow account.
  • Payment of taxes and insurance: This account, in turn, pays your yearly property taxes and homeowners insurance premiums when they’re due.
  • Smooth out expenses: Mortgage escrow accounts help smooth out these significant expenses, breaking them down into manageable monthly payments.
  • Adjustments: The mortgage servicer can adjust your monthly escrow payment each year based on changes to property taxes or insurance premiums.
  • Ownership of funds: The funds within these accounts are still yours. If the property is sold, or the mortgage loan paid off, any funds remaining in the escrow account will be returned to you.

The Role of Escrow in Real Estate

In the world of real estate, escrow plays a significant part in ensuring all parties meet their obligations. An escrow company provides escrow services, managing the earnest money deposit and any agreed-upon funds until the sale is finalized.

The real estate agent often helps facilitate the setup of this escrow process, but ultimately, it’s the escrow company that guides the process, ensuring all contract conditions are met before the transfer of funds and property.

Who Manages an Escrow Account?

Managing an escrow account is typically a job for a neutral third party, such as an escrow agent or an escrow company. In the context of a mortgage, however, the task often falls to mortgage servicers. Let’s examine the role of each:

Escrow Agents and Companies

Escrow agents or escrow companies are neutral third parties that hold on to the funds and documents involved in a transaction until the deal’s conditions are met. In a real estate transaction, they handle tasks like facilitating the closing process, recording deeds, and disbursing funds.

It’s worth noting that sometimes, the escrow agent or company may also be the same as the title company. In such cases, this entity not only manages the escrow process but also oversees the title search, ensuring there are no issues with the property’s title before the sale is finalized. This consolidation of services can streamline the transaction, as you will be working with a single company throughout the process.

Mortgage Servicers

Mortgage servicers play a pivotal role in the lifespan of your mortgage, from closing until the day you pay off your loan. They are responsible for various tasks, including collecting your mortgage payments, maintaining the records of payments, and crucially, managing your escrow account.

Your mortgage servicer could be the same as your originating lender. However, this is not always the case, as sometimes lenders sell the servicing rights to your loan. Understanding whether your lender typically services their own loans can be beneficial, as not all mortgage servicers provide the same level of service, and some charge more fees than others.

With a mortgage servicer taking care of your escrow account, your involvement is minimal. You don’t have to send in your tax or insurance bills—your servicer ensures they know who to pay, and when.

The only exception is if you change insurance providers or policies. In such cases, you may need to provide the new policy information to your servicer.

The management of your escrow account, therefore, can fall to different parties depending on the nature of your transaction. Whether it’s an escrow agent, an escrow company, or your mortgage servicer, their role is essential in ensuring a secure, fair, and efficient process.

The Pros and Cons of an Escrow Account

Just as every coin has two sides, using an escrow account in a real estate transaction comes with both benefits and drawbacks. Here’s a look at the main pros and cons:

Pros of an Escrow Account

  • Protection: An escrow account adds a layer of protection for both parties involved in the transaction. It holds funds and documents securely until all terms of the transaction are met.
  • Financial management: Escrow accounts, especially mortgage escrows, can help homeowners manage their yearly property taxes and homeowners insurance premiums. They break down these large expenses into manageable monthly escrow payments, preventing any potential financial strain.
  • Neutral oversight: The escrow process ensures a neutral third party is involved to oversee the transaction, offering a fair and unbiased service to both the buyer and seller.

Cons of an Escrow Account

  • Complexity: Escrow accounts add an extra layer of complexity to transactions. For some buyers and sellers, particularly those experienced in real estate, this additional step might feel unnecessary.
  • Time-consuming: The process of setting up an escrow account, managing it, and closing it can be time-consuming. This is particularly the case in more complex real estate transactions, which may already involve a significant amount of paperwork.
  • Extra costs: While escrow accounts offer benefits, they come at a cost. Fees for escrow services are usually part of the closing costs paid at the end of the transaction. Buyers should factor these costs into their budget when planning their home purchase.

Escrow Fraud and How to Avoid It

The unfortunate reality is that even with systems designed for protection, there can be risks of fraud related to escrow accounts. Just as cybercriminals target banking systems, scammers can also target the escrow process. Let’s look at how you can steer clear of such threats.

Recognizing Escrow Fraud

In escrow fraud scenarios, scammers pose as legitimate escrow companies or agents, creating a false sense of security. They might set up sophisticated websites and provide convincing, yet fake, contact information. The goal? To trick buyers or sellers into handing over funds or sensitive information.

Tips to Avoid Escrow Fraud

With the right precautions, you can protect yourself from becoming a victim of escrow fraud:

  • Do your homework: Don’t take an escrow company’s legitimacy at face value. Research the escrow service before engaging in any transaction.
  • Check licensing: A legitimate escrow company will be licensed in the state where it operates. You can typically verify licensing through the state’s Department of Insurance or Department of Financial Institutions.
  • Beware of unusual payment requests: Be cautious if an escrow service asks you to transfer funds to an individual or to an overseas account. Reputable escrow companies will not make such requests.
  • Secure communication: Ensure all communications happen through secure channels. Never share sensitive information via email.
  • Consult professionals: If in doubt, consult a real estate agent, attorney, or financial advisor. They can help validate the escrow company’s legitimacy.

Remember, vigilance and due diligence are your best defenses against escrow fraud. Always double-check before you send funds or personal information.


Understanding the escrow process can make a world of difference in your real estate transactions. It provides security, aids in financial management, and ensures smooth transitions for both buyers and sellers. Despite its complexities, the benefits of escrow are clear, offering a level of protection and neutrality that’s integral to the success of a transaction.

However, It’s essential to do your homework, ensure the legitimacy of your escrow service, and understand the full scope of your financial commitments.

Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or an experienced real estate investor, a well-informed approach to escrow can help streamline your buying or selling process. As you move forward, remember to consult professionals and always make decisions in your best financial interest. Here’s to successful real estate transactions and secure, informed decisions. Happy home buying – or selling!

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens to the money in the escrow account if the deal falls through?

If a real estate deal falls through, what happens to the money in the escrow account usually depends on the reason the deal didn’t close, and the stipulations outlined in the purchase agreement. Both the buyer and seller have certain contingencies that, if not met, could allow them to back out of the deal without forfeiting the earnest money deposit.

If these contingencies are not met and the buyer backs out, the earnest money is typically returned. If the buyer simply changes their mind or cannot secure financing, the seller may keep the earnest money.

Can you waive escrow?

In some cases, you may be able to waive escrow. This typically requires a significant down payment or a high level of equity in your home. However, waiving escrow means you’ll be responsible for paying your taxes and insurance premiums directly, which requires discipline to ensure these large bills are paid on time. Some lenders may also charge a fee for waiving escrow.

How long does the escrow process take?

The length of the escrow process can vary widely, but it typically takes 30 to 60 days for residential real estate transactions. This timeline can be affected by various factors, including loan underwriting times, inspections, and negotiations after inspections.

What types of transactions might use an escrow account?

While escrow accounts are commonly associated with real estate transactions, they can be used in many types of large transactions where the buyer and seller do not fully trust each other to fulfill their obligations. This can include the sale of expensive items like cars, boats, or art, and even online transactions for goods or services.

Are escrow accounts only used in real estate?

No, escrow accounts aren’t solely used for real estate transactions. They can be used in many types of contractual agreements where an impartial third party is needed to ensure the terms of the contract are fulfilled. This can include business acquisitions, online sales, and construction projects, to name a few.

E-commerce transactions can benefit from escrow, especially when they involve high-ticket items or international trade. The escrow process protects both the buyer and seller by holding the purchase price until the buyer receives the goods in the agreed condition.

How are escrow fees determined?

Escrow fees are typically based on the purchase price of the home and can vary widely by region and company. Some escrow companies charge a flat fee, while others charge a percentage of the home’s purchase price. Always ask for a breakdown of the fees and compare costs from different companies before making a decision.

Dawn Allcot
Meet the author

Dawn Allot is a personal finance writer and content marketing expert specializing in finance, travel, real estate, and technology. In addition to her work at Crediful, Dawn regularly writes for Bankrate, GoBankingRates, and The Balance.