Can Having a Cosigner Lower Your Car Payments?


Buying a car is a significant milestone. However, securing a car loan with affordable rates can be a challenge, especially if you have a low credit score or limited credit history. One possible solution is finding a cosigner. But can having a cosigner truly lower your car payments? Let’s examine this in more detail.

couple buying a car

Key Takeaways

  • A cosigner can help lower car payments by leveraging their strong credit profile to secure better loan terms and interest rates, which reduces monthly costs.
  • While cosigning has benefits, there are risks involved as well, such as damaging the cosigner’s credit if the primary borrower misses payments or defaults.
  • Communication and proper planning are crucial when cosigning, as both parties need to have a clear understanding of their responsibilities to manage the loan effectively and maintain good credit.

How Cosigning Works

Cosigning is when someone agrees to take on the financial responsibility of another person’s debt if that person fails to make on-time payments. A cosigner essentially provides a safety net for the lender, promising to cover the loan payment if the primary borrower defaults.

The cosigner’s credit scores and income are considered during the loan approval process, so their solid credit profile can potentially help secure better loan terms.

The Impact of a Cosigner on Auto Loan Interest Rates

Credit scores are a significant factor when lenders determine the interest rate on an auto loan. If you have a poor credit score or insufficient credit history, lenders view you as a high credit risk, leading to a higher rate. But if you have a cosigner with good credit, they may offer a lower rate, since the cosigner reduces the credit risk for the lender.

Here’s how it works: Lenders assess the credit scores and credit history of both the primary borrower and the cosigner. If the cosigner has a strong credit history and high credit score, the lender may offer a lower rate because the risk of missed payments is reduced. The lower the rate, the lower your monthly car payments will be. Therefore, a cosigner could potentially lower your car payments by helping you secure a lower interest rate on your car loan.

The Benefits of Having a Cosigner

Having a cosigner on a car loan can open the door to benefits beyond just a lower monthly payment. With a cosigner, you might be able to qualify for an auto loan you might not otherwise get approved for. This could be especially beneficial for first-time buyers, bad credit borrowers, or those with limited credit.

Furthermore, having a cosigner with a strong credit profile can not only lower your interest rate but may also help you negotiate better loan terms, which could further lower your monthly car payment. For instance, the loan term might be extended, resulting in smaller monthly payments spread out over a longer period.

The Risks and Drawbacks of Having a Cosigner

While having a cosigner can lead to a lower car payment and other advantages, you need to understand the potential risks and drawbacks for both you and your cosigner.

Cosigning involves a lengthy financial commitment. If you default on your loan payments, your cosigner becomes legally obligated to cover them. Such a situation can strain personal relationships, especially if the cosigner is a family member or close friend.

Also, missing payments or defaulting on the car loan will negatively impact both your and your cosigner’s credit reports. Even late payments can lead to late fees and a lower credit score for both parties.

Moreover, your cosigner’s credit could be impacted in another way. The cosigned loan appears on their credit reports, which may influence their debt-to-income ratio and potentially make it harder for them to obtain new loans in the future.

Cosigning vs. Co-borrowing: What’s the Difference?

While cosigning and co-borrowing may sound similar, they are different in several key ways. Understanding these differences can help guide your financial decisions when it comes to taking out a car loan.

Cosigning a Loan

As we’ve established, cosigning involves pledging to take on the responsibility of an auto loan if the primary borrower fails to make the loan payments. The cosigner does not have ownership rights to the car but bears the responsibility of repaying the loan if the borrower defaults.

A cosigner’s role is essentially to back up the borrower. They step in and agree to pay if the primary borrower can’t or doesn’t make the payments. This is why lenders often suggest a cosigner for borrowers with limited or bad credit; it provides an added layer of security for the lender.

It’s also worth noting that the cosigner’s credit could be negatively affected if the borrower misses payments or defaults on the car loan. Therefore, agreeing to be a cosigner can be a significant financial commitment.

Co-borrowing a Loan

Co-borrowing, on the other hand, is when two or more people jointly apply for and take on a loan. In the context of an auto loan, both co-borrowers share the ownership of the car and are equally responsible for the loan payments. Their names are both on the loan documents and the car title. This is unlike cosigning, where the cosigner does not have an ownership stake in the car.

Because both co-borrowers are responsible for the loan payments, both of their incomes and credit profiles are considered during the loan application process. This can potentially lead to better loan terms, including a lower interest rate, especially if both borrowers have good credit.

One key point to remember is that, similar to cosigning, any late or missed payments will damage both borrowers’ credit scores. It’s essential for co-borrowers to have a clear agreement about who will make the payments and how they will handle any potential financial issues that might arise.

Which one is more advantageous?

Whether cosigning or co-borrowing is more advantageous depends on the individual situation. If the primary borrower has a low credit score or little credit history, they may find it beneficial to have a cosigner to help them qualify for a car loan. However, the cosigner needs to be aware of the potential risks to their own credit.

On the other hand, co-borrowing might be a better option for partners, spouses, or business partners who are purchasing a car together. Co-borrowing allows both parties to share the financial burden and ownership of the car.

In both scenarios, you should have open and honest communication about financial responsibility and the potential risks involved. All parties should review the loan documents thoroughly and understand their obligations before agreeing to either cosign or co-borrow a loan. Remember, a car loan is a significant financial commitment, and missing payments can have serious implications for your credit.

Alternatives to Having a Cosigner

Before making any financial decisions, consider all available options. Improving your credit score should be your first priority. Make on-time payments on all your debts, avoid taking on new debt, and check your credit reports for any errors that might be dragging your score down.

You could also consider making a larger down payment to reduce the amount you need to borrow. Another option is to choose a less expensive car to reduce the size of the loan you need. Personal loans may also be an alternative to consider, as they can offer more flexibility than auto loans. Finally, there are auto loans designed specifically for people with bad credit. These come with higher interest rates, but they can be a viable option if you’re unable to secure a cosigner.

Tips for Managing Car Payments with a Cosigner

If you decide to move forward with a cosigner, clear communication is key. Set expectations from the start, clearly defining who will be making the monthly payments and how missed payments will be handled. Both parties should also be clear about who is responsible for associated costs like car insurance.

Effective loan management can help minimize risks and maintain a positive credit history. Here are a few tips:

  • Prioritize on-time payments: Remember, a late or missed payment will negatively affect both your and your cosigner’s credit scores. Set up automatic payments to ensure you never miss a due date.
  • Keep open communication: If you anticipate trouble making a monthly payment, inform your cosigner immediately. It’s better to address potential problems head-on than to miss a payment and harm both your credit scores.
  • Consider refinancing: If your credit score improves significantly during the loan term, you might be able to refinance the auto loan and remove your cosigner. This could also potentially lower your monthly payment.


While a cosigner can indeed help lower monthly car payments by securing a lower interest rate and better loan terms, it’s a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. A cosigned loan is a long-term financial commitment with serious repercussions if not handled correctly. Both the primary borrower and the cosigner need to clearly understand their obligations under the loan contract.

It’s also essential to remember that while having a cosigner can help you obtain loan approval, it’s not the only factor at play. Lenders also consider factors such as your income, employment history, and the amount of debt you already have.

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