How to Remove SYNCB/CareCredit From Your Credit Report


Is SYNCB/CareCredit hurting your credit score?

Credit Saint has successfully assisted countless clients in removing inaccurate and questionable credit inquiries from their credit reports.

What is SYNCB/CareCredit?

SYNCB/CareCredit is a combination of two terms: SYNCB stands for Synchrony Bank, while CareCredit refers to a specific credit product offered by Synchrony Bank. CareCredit is a healthcare financing solution that provides patients with a dedicated credit card to pay for various medical treatments, procedures, and other healthcare-related expenses.

With CareCredit, patients can finance their healthcare costs over time, making it easier to manage expensive treatments and procedures that might not be covered by insurance.

Why is SYNCB/CareCredit on your credit report?

SYNCB/CareCredit may appear on your credit report for a few reasons, primarily related to your interactions with the CareCredit card:

Hard Inquiry

When you apply for a CareCredit card, Synchrony Bank will perform a hard inquiry on your credit report to assess your creditworthiness. This hard inquiry will show up on your credit report, regardless of whether you are approved for the CareCredit card or not.

Too many hard inquiries within a short period can negatively impact your credit score, signaling to potential lenders that you may be a higher risk borrower.

Account Information

If you are approved for a CareCredit card, the account will be added to your credit report, just like any other credit card or loan. Your credit report will include details such as the account’s opening date, credit limit, and payment history.

Proper management of your CareCredit account, such as making on-time payments and keeping your credit utilization low, can positively impact your credit score over time.

Late Payments or Delinquencies

If you fail to make timely payments on your CareCredit account, these late payments may be reported to the credit bureaus and appear on your credit report. Late payments can significantly harm your credit score and remain on your credit report for up to seven years. It’s essential to manage your CareCredit account responsibly and make payments on time to maintain a healthy credit history.

The Difference Between Hard and Soft Inquiries

Hard and soft inquiries are two different types of credit checks that can occur when you apply for credit or when companies review your credit history. To further expand on the differences between the two:

Hard Inquiries

A hard inquiry, also known as a “hard pull,” happens when a lender or creditor checks your credit report to make a lending decision. Each hard inquiry can temporarily lower your credit score, and having too many within a short period can signal to lenders that you may be a higher risk borrower. It’s essential to be aware of how many hard inquiries you have on your credit report and space out your credit applications accordingly.

Soft Inquiries

Soft inquiries, on the other hand, don’t impact your credit score. These are often done for prequalification purposes or as part of a routine account review by existing creditors. Since they don’t affect your credit score, you don’t need to worry about soft inquiries piling up on your credit report.

How long do hard inquiries stay on your credit report?

Whether you get approved for a CareCredit credit card makes no difference. The hard inquiry will remain on your credit report for up to 2 years. Each time you make an inquiry, it is recorded by one or all of the three major credit reporting agencies: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.

Tips for Minimizing the Impact of Hard Inquiries

While it’s true that hard inquiries can affect your credit score, there are steps you can take to minimize their impact:

  • Space out your credit applications: Avoid applying for multiple lines of credit within a short period. This can help you prevent an excessive number of hard inquiries from appearing on your credit report.
  • Only apply for credit when necessary: Be selective about when you apply for new credit. Only submit applications when you genuinely need the financing or credit line, and avoid applying impulsively.
  • Check for prequalification offers: Many lenders offer prequalification tools that allow you to see if you’re likely to be approved for credit without a hard inquiry. Utilize these tools to gauge your eligibility before submitting a full application.

Dealing with Unauthorized Inquiries and Disputing Errors

If you find an unauthorized inquiry on your credit report, it’s crucial to act quickly. Contact the creditor listed on the hard inquiry section of your credit report to inquire about the issue. If they can’t provide a valid reason for the inquiry, you can request that they remove it from your credit report. You should also monitor your credit report for any signs of identity theft or fraudulent activity.

Can SYNCB/CareCredit be removed from my credit report?

Removing SYNCB/CareCredit from your credit report depends on the nature of the information being reported. If the information is accurate and timely, it typically cannot be removed. However, if there are errors or unauthorized inquiries, you may be able to dispute the information and have it removed. Credit repair companies, such as Credit Saint, can help you work through this process.

Credit Saint is a well-known credit repair company with years of experience in the industry. They assist clients in disputing and potentially removing various negative items from credit reports, including:

  • late payments
  • collections
  • charge offs
  • foreclosures
  • repossessions
  • bankruptcies

Taking Action to Improve Your Credit

If you’re seeking the assistance of a reputable credit repair company to help improve your credit, Credit Saint may be a viable option. They have a proven track record of helping individuals in similar situations, and their expertise in credit repair could prove beneficial for your specific case.

To find out more about how they can assist you, visit their website and complete the inquiry form. By providing your information and detailing your situation, you can receive guidance on how to proceed with disputing inaccurate information and improving your overall credit health.

Ready to Raise Your Credit Score?

Learn how credit repair professionals can assist you in disputing inaccuracies on your credit report.

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Crediful is your go-to destination for all things related to personal finance. We're dedicated to helping you achieve financial freedom and make informed financial decisions. Our team of financial experts and enthusiasts brings you articles and resources on topics like budgeting, credit, saving, investing, and more.